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MyMap shows you all your workout routes on one map. It does this by importing all your workouts from Apple's Health App. This stores all the data from all the health apps on your phone. All of your workouts from the Health App which have a workout route are displayed on the map. However there are a couple of reasons why no routes might be showing:

  • Your device doesn't have a health app. iPads and devices which are managed by organisations may not have a health app.

  • You have not allowed MyMap to access your health data. The first time you use the app you will be prompted to authorise MyMap to access your workouts and workout routes. However, if you didn't allow MyMap full access and have changed your mind you can update your preferences by going to the Health App on your phone, clicking on your circular profile on the top right of the screen, scrolling down to privacy and selecting apps, tapping on MyMap, and then clicking on "Turn all categories On". MyMap does not see or store any of your private health data as stated in our privacy policy and we only ask for access to your workouts and workout routes that they can show on the map.

  • You may not have and workouts stored in the Health App. Some apps such as Strava store your workout routes on their own servers and not in the Health App. Therefore, there is a chance you may not have any workouts in the Health App to show. To check if you have any workout routes, go onto the Health App, tap on show all health data, scroll down to workouts, scroll down to options and tap on show all workout routes, and if that list is empty then you have no workout routes in the Health App to show.


MyMap also allows you to record Walks, Runs and Other workouts and see your route updating live on the screen. However, feature may not be available if the Health App is not available for the above reasons.

MyMap also shows you your location live on the map. If you did not allow MyMap to access your location when you first entered the app don't worry, just force quit the app and open it again and you will receive another prompt. You can also go to settings, scroll down to MyMap, tap on location, and then tap on allow location access always. MyMap requires access to your location when you are using the app to show your location on screen. However, it also requires access to your location even when the app is running in the background when you are recording a run so that your workout route can be recorded. However, when you have closed the app fully (by swiping up) then MyMap will never drain your battery looking for your location.

If you have any more questions please contact MyMap on this email:

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